Thursday, January 3, 2013

Progress or Redemption?

 “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

Men will JUST NOT LET GO of the idea that all of our problems will eventually be solved by slow and steady progress.  Think about it. 

We are told that blind and random and gradual evolution brought man to our current pinnacle of intelligence and power, and that one day all will be solved as we evolve to greater heights…  Really?  In all the recorded history of man’s dealings with man, have you seen any evolution that progressed toward solving our basic problems?  Well, maybe on the whole we are taller than we were years ago, but what progress did that bring to our greatest needs?

We are told that civilization is the key.  That eventually when we have built enough roads and farms and factories and schools, and when science and technology are king, that will give us the answers we need.  Those savage tribesmen just need progress in societal and industrial infrastructure and they will be much better off.

Then again, we are told that politics and government can bring all this to realization.  If the right people are in power in the right form of government, they will gradually pass laws and make changes in our countries that will allow us to realize the Great Society.  Social ills, poverty and crime will be destroyed and progress will prevail.

But others tell us, “No, what will really solve our problems is real progress in education.”  If everyone got a good high school or college education – especially the underprivileged – then over a period of a few decades, we will gradually progress to lifting people out of the lifestyle of crime and immorality.” 

You can think of several others.  Fix the economy and we will be ok.  Improve healthcare coverage and we will elevate our nation and our people.  We hear such stories ad nauseum from nearly everyone in our world who is able to think and speak to put two sentences together.  But these arguments come straight from the devil!

Now it is a very shameful thing that these very arguments are being brought to us by many CHURCHES in the world today!  Many churches of Christ are infected with it. They have given themselves to solve the world’s problems by politics, secular education, community building, and healthcare. They are preaching that what we really need is a little more progress in these areas, and program by program, that is exactly what they are going to major in.

The plight of the poor and downtrodden should no doubt be a concern of any child of God.  The heart of our Lord was moved with compassion for the poor and the sick. But he was under no illusion that his mission was social reform, soup kitchens, hospitals and clinics, economic development, or secular education.  He saw a deeper need.  As he went on his way, he used what he had to help the needy, but his mission was clear and sharp and bold.  “You sought me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate the loaves and fishes, and were filled.”  “Be not anxious about what you shall eat, or what you shall wear.  Seek first the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

In sharp contrast to the idea of salvation by gradual building, climbing the ladder of progress to solve our problems, the Bible gives us a different idea about our needed change: it uses words like repentance, crisis, conversion, taking up our cross, obedience, sacrifice, forsaking all.  None of these are gradual progressive processes.  They are points of decision, surrender, humility, and change.  Suddenly a newness of life.  A new creature.

Note that this says something to us about conversion, and it says something about our redemption.  We need a crisis, a point of decision.  In conversion, we need to come to our knees, to realize our deep need of salvation, and the great shame of our dishonoring of the Father.

And wonder of wonders, we have a redemption that is just suited to bring us to a crisis before God.  Where?  Sharply focused on ONE point in history.  A crisis of the Father and Son, a shaking of the order of all nature, a convulsion of the holy universe – when THE man, the Son of Man, the Holy God, the creator, the sustainer of the universe went to the cross!

Slow and gradual progress toward salvation?  Forget it.  Look at the cross. Let it shake your foundation.  Die with Him!  Be buried with Him!  Be raised up with Him!
And when that is done, then never cease to take up your cross daily; continue in daily walk with him; never cease to “eat his flesh and drink his blood”.   Until you COME to Him as Lord and Savior and are redeemed by His blood, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.


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